

主演:/Majid Niroumand/

导演:Mayer-Klepchick,马可·科拉佩尔斯,Bill Blechinberg


《水、风、土》影片介绍:This is an unusual film of exceptional values--75 minutes long in color, with hardly any spoken dialogs. I saw this Iranian film in Farsi without English subtitles at the Early Iranian cinema retrospective on-going International Film Festival of Kerala, India. That I was watching a print without subtitles did not make a difference as there were very few lines of spoken dialogs.This is a very accessible film for any audience to enjoy--its story and values are not merely Iranian, it's universal.The film is set in rural Iran that had not tasted petro-dollar prosperity. The setting is on fringes of desert land, where water is scarce, rainfall scanty and hardly any blade of grass is green. Add to it wind and dust that buffets and whips man and animal and you can imagine plight of the people who live on the fringes of society.The film is moving tale of a young teenager returning to his village with a goat--only to find his family and villagers have moved on to escape natures vagaries and that one old man remains. He gives the goat to him and goes in search of his family. Water is scarce and well water it treated with reverence and never wasted.... 详情



  • 蜀七:刚刚
    中国电影节及电影相关奖项 中国长春电影节 中国长春电影节创办于1992年,是经中华人民共和国广播电影电视部批准举办的具有国际性的国家级电影节。
  • 私月:3分钟前
    1983 奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,Sophie's Choice (1982)
  • 清明水萩:7分钟前
  • 阿伦2018:9分钟前
    ① 外国的一部电影,有一个镜头是角度一换一个女的拿枪指着另一个自己。
  • 灰灰的橙子:5分钟前
  • 精究方术:8小时前
    2013年,邓超主演陈可辛执导的电影上映 ,以537亿的内地票房成为2013年上半年华语片票房季军。
  • 青岚十八:4小时前
    查寻阿拉伯树字各位大神都在用 多来米帝国,直接观赏,希望能帮助到你。
  • 龙虎三条尾:4小时前
    讲述了良多实现自己成为小说家的梦想,以及对家庭 情感 的故事。
  • 真幽默:4小时前
  • 薄荷茶:1天前


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