This film is not about the revolution that changed Ukraine this winter. Not exactly. It rather shows a universal pattern of particular kind of uprisings - those ones that end with bloodshed. At first, the noble endeavor for freedom collides with the dark force of repressive rulers. Then eventually, after much confusion and chaos, the righteous anger of people changes to pure ou...
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类型:科幻 地区:美国
主演: 尼基塔·叶甫列莫夫 Nikita Efremov, Ekaterina Astakhova, 亚历山大·达维多夫 Aleksandr Davydov, Нина Усатова, 维柯托里娅·托尔斯托加诺娃 Viktoriya Tolstoganova, 弗拉迪斯拉夫·阿巴辛 Vladislav Abashin