

主演:Jonny Lee Miller Andy Ser 

导演:冨家規政,Dustin Ybarra,Harun



A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt the killers in the prisons into which they have been sent.                                                                                                                                            To be honest the story is a bit clichéd with the plot taking some obvious paths once things are set in motion. Normally that would be a bad thing but here the film works largely thanks to a very good cast of mostly unknown actors. The stand out is Andy Serkis, best known for playing Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. Here he's the head of the nasty band and his vileness seems to drip off the screen. If you want to know why Peter Jackson chose him to play the tortured creature in the big budgeted epic look no further. Serkis isn't on screen much until the final portion of the film, but his evilness in the early part of the film hangs over everything like a dark cloud.                                                                                                                                            Definitely worth a look for those who want an undemanding thriller, and those who want to see what Andy Serkis is capable of when he isn't doing just a computer generated character. 6.5 out of 10.




  • 黛蜜儿:刚刚
  • 东娃小姑:6分钟前
    齐太的表弟韩俊太(柳秀荣 饰)也一直暗地谋划,要取代齐太的位置。
  • 喵爷天逸:6分钟前
  • 猪宝宝萌萌哒:3分钟前
  • 随心执白:3分钟前
    『贰』 平遥国际电影展展映片单公布,其中官方单元入围影片有哪些
  • 至林晚:8小时前
    和真田广之时隔20年 第二次合作』 黄石的孩子 『与007导演10年后再次合作,与周润发8年后再度合作』 巴比伦纪元 『该片失败,被誉为近几年典型的超支烂片。
  • 御宅之猫:8小时前
  • 老牛拖破车:6小时前
  • 夜丶雨:小时前
    3 一部很老的韩国电影,封面是一些士兵合营,有些人没了,好象是 恐怖片
  • 你再再再猜猜:1天前


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